Recommendation : This product is a broadspectrum fungicide which controls a wide range of fungal & bacterialdiseases & also do not leave any pesticide residue on any crop. Thisproduct is an effective tool for IPM (Integrated Pest Management ).
Diseases : It ishighly effective against powdery mildew, downy mildew, blast, blight,anthracnose, gummosis, loose smut, black smut, damping off, fruit rot, root rotetc. It also enhances plants natural defense system hence can be used as aprophylactic input.
Crops : Cotton,Chilli, Paddy, Citruss, Vegetables, Sugercane, Groundnut, Orchard, Floriculturecrops, Horticulture crops, Other field crops & Green house crops etc.
Disclaimer :Since the use of this product is beyond our control, we cannot assume any responsibilityother than uniform quality of the Product.